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Natural Treatment Options for the Management of Post-Covid-Vaccine Syndrome

Michael Y

Updated: Oct 9, 2022

Notes and Disclaimers

Note that parts of this article may be considered anecdotal evidence since some of the concepts are not yet accepted by the conventional medical establishment. That being said, the anecdotal information within comes from very well-established, well-researched, and conventionally-trained ICU doctors from the Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and the World Council for Health. It is critical that this information continues to be shared with those who are making the decision to get vaccinated against SARS-COV-2 and who subsequently experience and present with a new onset of clinical sequelae post-vaccination.

Please see your qualified medical practitioner (of course, I always recommend a functional medicine practitioner) to help you personalize this strategy before implementing any of the recommendations on your own. Likewise, please refer to and read the original sources used for this article since I have only scratched the surface of data available in the extremely detailed original reports. By visiting the original reports, you will find tremendous amounts of peer-reviewed literature so that you can continue doing your own research. You can find both reports here and here.


While there is no official diagnosis of Post-Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome (PCVS) recognized by the conventional medical establishment, it should not seem too far-fetched at this point, well with the overwhelmingly terrifying number of post-Covid vaccination deaths and adverse events reported in the CDC's own VAERS, to consider that such a syndrome exists.

The image below represents the latest case reports of death and injury following Covid-19 vaccination as of September 16, 2022. It should be noted that previous peer-reviewed reports have suggested that VAERS is an extremely under-utilized database due to the fact that conventional doctors are trained to ignore vaccine-related injuries, and many healthcare practitioners are not even aware that the VAERS database exists. You can read my opinion article on the problems with the politics of conventional medicine here. The point being that the numbers below should be taken with a grain of salt and are likely to be much much higher.

According to the physicians at the FLCCC, "a temporal correlation between receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and beginning or worsening of a patient’s clinical manifestations is sufficient to diagnose as a COVID-19 vaccine-induced injury when the symptoms are unexplained by other concurrent causes."

PCVS should not be confused with the long-haul Covid, which generally refers to the long-term symptoms and clinical presentation following SARS-CoV-2 natural infection. There may, however, be over-lapping similarities between PCVS and long-haul Covid in some cases, given that the spike protein is ultimately the biotoxin causing harm and is introduced into the body via both inoculation and natural infection. If you're struggling with long-haul Covid, you can start with this article or this podcast which offer a few ideas for some natural treatment protocols. With that being said, let's get into some of the alternative treatment strategies that may be considered for PCVS.

Intermittent Fasting

Research on intermittent fasting (IF) has grown significantly over the past couple of decades and shows promising results in both preclinical and clinical trials regarding improvement of certain chronic diseases with etiologies involving the immune and metabolic systems (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.). Intermittent fasting may promote immune system homeostasis and improvement of so-called spikopathies (pathologies resulting from excess exposure to the spike protein). IF stimulates autophagy which refers to the clearing out of dead and damaged cells, cellular debris, damaged organelles such as mitochondria (i.e. mitophagy), and misfolded or foreign proteins. Autophagy is the process that helps to eliminate the misfolded amyloid proteins as one of the body's main natural mechanism in preventing Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the same process may occur in removal of the excess foreign spike protein. Finally, IF may also improve mitochondrial health and increase stem cell production.[1,2] Two solid articles to learn more about the different types of IF can be found here and here.

Spermidine and Resveratrol

Spermidine is a naturally occurring polyamine and resveratrol is a naturally occurring polyphenol, both of which promote the process of autophagy. Spermidine and resveratrol promote autophagy via different mechanisms and, as a result, taking the two compounds together may have synergistic effects. Spermidine and resveratrol may also increase the effectiveness of autophagy induced by IF and resveratrol binds to the spike protein which may help in its elimination from the body. Foods containing a source of spermidine include wheatgerm, mushrooms, grapefruit, apples and mango and certain wheatgerm supplements may contain significant amounts as well. Natural sources of resveratrol include red grapes, red wine, raw cocoa (dark chocolate), mixed berries (lingonberries, blueberries, mulberries, bilberries, cranberries), pistachios, peanuts, fermented non-GMO soy products, and certain teas. It has been suggested that food sources of resveratrol may be less bioavailable and that supplements with trans-resveratrol extracted from the Japanese knotweed plant may be a better source. For clients with PCVS, a reasonable dosage recommendation for supplemental resveratrol is 500 milligrams twice per day (e.g. one dose with breakfast and one dose with dinner). [1-2]

Melatonin, Magnesium, and Nigella Sativa

Melatonin is known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and also regulates and promotes mitochondrial function. Initial dosage may be started at about 1 milligram at bed time and titrated up to 2-6 milligrams, as tolerated using slow release or extended release formulations. Many people have been shown to have magnesium deficiencies especially those eating the modern-day Western diet. Magnesium is a critical element in over 300 enzymatic metabolic reactions in the body including those involving immune function. Intake of at least 500 milligrams per day of magnesium through food, supplements, or a combination of both may be warranted in cases of PCVS. The recommended dosage of the encapsulated oils of nigella sativa (aka black cumin oil or black seed oil) is 200~500 milligrams twice per day (e.g. once with breakfast and once with dinner). [1-2] You can read a great introductory article to nigella sativa here.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Probiotics, and Prebiotics

Omega-3 fatty acids are potent anti-inflammatory compounds and should be considered in any protocol that aims to enhance immune and metabolic functions, assuming no contraindications for the client. In terms of omega-3 intake through use of fish oil, 2~4 grams of fish oil per day would be considered a moderate dose while some researchers say that up to 18 grams of fish oil per day may be used safely for most clients (again, assuming no contraindications such as use of blood thinners). Moreover, clients with PCVS are likely to have altered gut health including severe dysbiosis of the gut microbiome. [1-2] Probiotics support the immune system by helping to re-establish keystone microbial species that are essential for good gut health while reducing the pathogenic species. Prebiotics are food for the probiotics and it is always a good idea to take both. The combination of probiotics and prebiotics together is referred to as synbiotics. You can read an introduction to the human gut microbiome here and more about pre- and probiotics here.

Vitamins C, D, and K2

Vitamin C has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-promoting properties including increasing the synthesis of type I interferons. Oral vitamin C may also help the growth of beneficial species in the gut microbiome. When thinking about proper immune system function, vitamin D is a critical nutrient and is best taken with vitamin K2 and magnesium. Testing for vitamin D baseline levels helps to establish what supplemental dosage may be warranted. However, a reasonable starting dose for clients dealing with PCVS would be 4000~5000 IU per day of vitamin D along with ~100 micrograms (ug) of K2. [1-2]

Additional Recommendations

Other conventional recommendations listed in the reports include use of ivermectin, low dose naltrexone, and aspirin. Moderating or even avoiding intense physical exercise may be warranted in some cases. In other words, listen to your body and do not over-exert yourself during your physical activities and routines until your body tells you otherwise. [1-2] Again, and I cannot stress it enough, please visit the original references here and here for a ton of additional quality information regarding treatment protocols for PCVS.

Primary References:

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Disclaimer: The information within this blog is for educational purposes only and is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice, or to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The author, Michael Yurich, is a clinical nutritionist, is not a medical doctor, and does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. The articles within this blog are simply a sharing of knowledge and evidence-based information. Sometimes, although rarely, anecdotal evidence may be presented and this will be announced upfront. If you feel the need to see a medical doctor for your condition, then you should definitely follow your instincts and do just that. Please do not alter your dose of any prescribed medications without the direct supervision of your (functional) medical doctor. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified (functional) healthcare practitioner. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.



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